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ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION Vol. 26 #2 (Street & Smith, October, 1940)

Cover by Rogers. Includes "Slan" part 2 by A. E. van Vogt.

THE SHADOW Vol. 41 #1 (Street & Smith, March 1, 1942)

Features "Vengeance Bay" by Maxwell Grant.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 22 #2 (Popular, November, 1940)

"Here Flies the Hawk of Hell" by Robert J. Hogan.

OPERATOR 5 Vol. 2 #2 (Popular, September, 1934)

Cover by John Howitt. Includes "Master Of Broken Men" by Curtis Steele.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, July 19, 1941)

Includes "Sands Of Sahara" by Robert Carse.

TEN DETECTIVE ACES Vol. 47 #1 (Periodical House, March, 1941)

Features "Blood Donor Boomerang" by Frederick C. Davis.

DOC SAVAGE Vol. 17 #3 (Street & Smith, May, 1941)

Features "The Pink Lady" by Kenneth Robeson.

THRILLING WONDER STORIES (Better Publications, April, 1942)

Includes "The Infinite Moment" by Henry Kuttner.

DOC SAVAGE (Street & Smith, April, 1939)

"World's Fair Goblin" by Kenneth Robeson.

STRANGE TALES OF TERROR AND MYSTERY Vol. 2 #2 (Clayton Magazines, June, 1932)

Cover by H. W. Wesso. Includes "People Of The Dark" by Robert E. Howard.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 35 #4 (Popular Fiction, July, 1940)

Cover by Margaret Brundage. Includes "The Fiddler's Fee" by Robert Bloch.

STRANGE TALES OF TERROR AND MYSTERY Vol. 3 #1 (Clayton Magazines, January, 1933)

Final issue. Cover by H.W. Wesso. Includes "The Cairn On The Headland" by Robert E. Howard.

THRILLING WONDER STORIES Vol. 42 #3 (Better Publications, August, 1953)

Cover by Jack Coggins. Includes "Booby Prize" by George O. Smith.

THE GHOST SUPER-DETECTIVE Vol. 1 #1 (Better Publications, January, 1940)

Cover by Earle K. Bergey. Includes "The Lovers" by Philip Jose Farmer. Featuring George Chance, a stage magician turned hero, The Ghost, Super-Detective (as it was originally called) was a low-budget effort from the start, featuring only the lead novel

ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION Vol. 30 #1 (Street & Smith, September, 1942)

Cover by William Timmins. Includes "The Barrier" by Anthony Boucher.

THE WHISPERER (FIRST SERIES) Vol. 2 #6 (Street & Smith, October, 1937)

Features "Kill Them First" by Clifford Goodrich.

BLACK BOOK DETECTIVE Vol. 21 #1 (Better Publications, Spring, 1946)

Cover by Rudolph Belarski. Includes Black Bat story "The Man Behind The Murder" by G. Wayman Jones.

BLACK BOOK DETECTIVE Vol. 18 #3 (Better Publications, Summer, 1944)

Cover by Rudolph Belarski. Includes Black Bat story "Death For Charity" by G. Wayman Jones.

ASTOUNDING SCIENCE-FICTION Vol. 30 #5 (Street & Smith, January, 1943)

Cover by William Timmins. Includes "Nothing But Gingerbread Left" by Henry Kuttner.

STARTLING STORIES Vol. 22 #3 (Better Publications, January, 1951)

Includes "Passport To Jupiter" by Raymond Z. Gallun.

STARTLING STORIES Vol. 6 #3 (Better Publications, November, 1941)

Includes "The Gods Hate Kansas" by Joseph J. Millard.

STARTLING STORIES Vol. 1 #2 (Better Publications, March, 1939)

Includes "The Impossible World" by Eando Binder

ASTOUNDING STORIES Vol. 24 #1 (Street & Smith, September, 1939)

Cover by Rogers. Includes "Forces Must Balance!" by Manly Wade Wellman.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 18 #2 (Popular, July, 1939)

"Wings of the Black Terror" by Robert J. Hogan.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 26 #4 (Popular Fiction, October, 1935)

Cover by Margaret Brundage. Includes "The Six Sleepers" by Edmond Hamilton.

THE SHADOW Vol. 40 #4 (Street & Smith, January 15, 1942)

Features "The Book of Death" by Maxwell Grant.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 24 #3 (Popular, December, 1941)

"Horde of the Black Eagle" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 16 #3 (Popular, December, 1938)

"The Bloody Wings of the Vampire" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 16 #2 (Popular, November, 1938)

"Flying Coffins of the Damned" by Robert J. Hogan.

THE MYSTERIOUS WU FANG Vol. 1 #1 (Popular, September, 1935)

Cover by Jerome Rozen. Includes "The Case Of The Six Coffins" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 23 #3 (Popular, April, 1941)

"Wings of the Doomed" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 23 #2 (Popular, March, 1941)

"Raiders of the Red Death" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 17 #3 (Popular, April, 1939)

"Death Rides the Lost Patrol" by Robert J. Hogan.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 34 #6 (Popular Fiction, December, 1939)

Cover by Hannes Bok. Includes "Mannikins Of Horror" by Robert Bloch.

TERENCE O'LEARY'S WAR BIRDS Vol. 30 #86 (Dell, June, 1935)

Cover by Rudolph Belarski. Includes "The Purple Warriors Of Neptunia" by Arthur Guy Empy.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 20 #2 (Popular, March, 1940)

"Sky Coffins for Satan" by Robert J. Hogan.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 37 #1 (Popular Fiction, September, 1943)

Cover by A. R. Tilburne. Includes "Black Barter" by Robert Bloch.

THRILLING WONDER STORIES (Better Publications, June, 1939)

Includes "Dawn Of Flame" by Stanley G. Weinbaum.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 1 #2 (Popular, November, 1933)

Includes "Purple Aces" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 25 #4 (Popular, October, 1942)

"Wings of the Gray Phantom" by Robert J. Hogan.

G-8 AND HIS BATTLE ACES Vol. 16 #4 (Popular, January, 1939)

"Wings of the Silent Death" by Robert J. Hogan.

THRILLING WONDER STORIES (Better Publications, April, 1941)

Includes "The Land Of Time To Come" by Henry Kuttner.

ORIENTAL STORIES Vol. 2 #3 (Popular Fiction, Summer, 1932)

Final issue thus; continuing as THE MAGIC CARPET.

UNKNOWN WORLDS Vol. 7 #2 (Street & Smith, August, 1943)

Includes "The Bones" by Theodore Sturgeon & James H. Beard.

UNKNOWN WORLDS Vol. 6 #2 (Street & Smith, August, 1942)

Includes "Solomon's Stone" by L. Sprague de Camp.

SKY FIGHTERS Vol. 16 #1 (Beverly House, January, 1937)

Includes "They Died In Vain" by George Bruce.

CAPTAIN SATAN Vol. 1 #3 (Popular, March, 1938)

Continuing from Strange Detective Mysteries.

SKY FIGHTERS Vol. 11 #1 (Beverly House, October, 1935)

Includes "Code Of The Sky" by Major George F. Eliot.

DOC SAVAGE Vol. 18 #6 (Street & Smith, February, 1942)

Features "Men of Fear" by Kenneth Robeson.

ARGOSY Vol. 302 #6 (Frank A. Munsey, October 19, 1940)

Includes "Black Fire" by Walt Coburn.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 45 #2 (Popular Fiction, May, 1953)

Cover by Joseph Eberle. Includes "A Corner For Lucia" by August Derleth.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 39 #5 (Popular Fiction, May, 1946)

Cover by Ronald Clyne. Includes "The Smiling People" by Ray Bradbury.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 35 #9 (Popular Fiction, May, 1941)

Cover by Hannes Bok. Includes "Beauty's Beast" by Robert Bloch.

DOC SAVAGE Vol. 21 #6 (Street & Smith, August, 1943)

Includes "The Mental Monster" by Kenneth Robeson.

KAZAR Vol. 1 #1 (Manvis Publications, October, 1936)

First appearance of a Tarzan-like character named Ka-Zar. Cover painting by J. W. Scott. Includes "King Of Fang And Claw" by Bob Byrd.

WEIRD TALES Vol. 46 #3 (Popular Fiction, July, 1954)

Includes "The Survivor" by H. P. Lovecraft & August Derleth. Digest size.

WONDER STORY ANNUAL Vol. 2 #1 (Best Books, 1953)

Final issue. Cover by Emsh. Includes "Gateway To Paradise" by Jack Williamson.

WONDER STORY ANNUAL Vol. 1 #1 (Best Books, 1950)

Includes "The Onslaught From Rigel" by Fletcher Pratt.

OPERATOR 5 Vol. 10 #4 (Popular, July/August, 1938)

Includes "The Suicide Battalion" by Curtis Steele.

DOC SAVAGE Vol. 25 #4 (Street & Smith, June, 1945)

Features "The Terrible Stork" by Kenneth Robeson.

AIR TRAILS Vol. 12 #3 (Street & Smith, June, 1939)

Includes "Large Flying Boats VS. Large Land Planes" by Igor I. Sikorsky.

UNKNOWN Vol. 2 #1 (Street & Smith, September, 1939)

Cover by H. W. Scott. Includes "None But Lucifer" by H. L. Gold & L. Sprague de Camp.

AIR TRAILS Vol. 10 #1 (Street & Smith, April, 1938)

Includes "Your Money's Worth In The Air" by Lieut. W. M. Wood.

DOC SAVAGE (Street & Smith, February, 1944)

Death Had Yellow Eyes, digest size.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, November 15, 1941)

Includes "Destruction Of The Panama Canal" by Don Bate.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, January 25, 1941)

Includes "The Sign Of Zorro" by Johnston McCulley.

UNKNOWN Vol. 1 #2 (Street & Smith, April, 1939)

Cover by Graves Gladney. Includes "The Ultimate Adventure" by L. Ron Hubbard.

STARTLING STORIES (Better, September, 1948)

Cover by Earle K. Bergey. Includes "What Mad Universe" by Fredric Brown (first published appearance of this novel).

THE SPIDER Vol. 8 #2 (Popular, March, 1936)

Includes "Green Globes Of Death" by Grant Stockbridge.

THE SPIDER Vol. 3 #3 (Popular, August, 1934)

Cover by John Howitt. Includes "Prince Of The Red Looters" by Grant Stockbridge.

OPERATOR 5 Vol. 2 #1 (Popular, August, 1934)

Cover by John Howitt. Includes "Cavern Of The Damned" by Curtis Steele.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, March 29, 1941)

Includes "Fugitives Two" by Robert Carse.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, March 22, 1941)

Includes "The Perilous Pearl" by H. Bedford-Jones.

ARGOSY (Frank A. Munsey, June 7, 1941)

Includes "Hang Him High" by Norbert Davis.

DAN DUNN (C.J.H., November, 1936)

Full length novel: "Fight Or Die" by James M. Calvert, Jr.

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